Thursday, May 03, 2007

BIC, be damned!

Nothing in my case has been BIC (Best Interest of the Child). But today as many other days I learn there is further to sink.

I have been asked by friends, so are you meeting people? My response is "What and spend two more years in court?". My official dating status is listed as "Nonexistent" (unofficially it would be "Clandestine"). If my wife thinks her child's own flesh and blood isn't good enough, how do you think she'd react to a gf of my choosing being anywhere near her child? OK, don't guess, I know her, 16 years now, she'd flip. Why? Long story, short response - Cause she's nuts.

Now I'm not going to be a monk, although they do live happier & stress free lives (Hmmm), but until I have the final decree and the mediation set up, officially (wink), I'm a monk. So if any of you girls out there are looking for a perfect gentleman for some no strings, have fun, no pressure, kinda guy, I'm you're man. (LOL). ;-) (email me, see my profile)

I will say though that I believe parents need to keep each other informed about changes in their life that affect their child. Like when your work at home job requires you to show up at the office every day and you start sending my child to play dates with a child who has been a bad influence on him (and that his guidance counselor suggested they stay apart).

Is it BIC for him to be spending time there, when I am the very next bus stop and available? Today I needed to take him to an appointment. Rather than just have him get off the bus at my house and spend an extra hour with me before his appointment, he gets off one stop earlier. Luckily I know this lady and she knows my cell number, she calls and says she's baking she'll bring him by later. I said, uhhh, I need to get him to an appointment, I'll come and get him.

So I pick him up. I start driving, "Daddy, I'm real hungry, and I have to go to the bathroom." Luckily I'm still close to home, I go back quickly, so we run in the house he uses the bathroom, I grab a can of pineapples and several small cartons of yogurt, a Juice Pack box and some spoons. So we get to our destination, he's eating, someone comments, "Wow, healthy snacks" (of course, I'm a good Dad no matter what the screwed up system thinks).

So then we get back home, turns out he left his good tennis shoes (remember the good sock post) at my house and grabbed a pair of water shoes. So she's in my driveway making a fuss wanting his good shoes back. Well I didn't know he left them here, I don't see them. She's being a real impatient bitch.

Now because of her prior violent outbursts and destruction of property, I have a restraining order that is posted on my garage that does not allow her in my house or on my property. She started to get bitchier and tried to enter my home, my son said you can't come in our house. Not a smooth move, but her yelling was probably scaring him. She freaked, she pushed the door and was coming into the house, I calmly (Seriously, I really was calm, I am so proud of myself) said back off, wait outside. She continued ranting even louder. I calmly told my son not to be disrespectful, put on these other shoes and don't dalley around because she's waiting.

So she's going off about how I better find them, she's coming tomorrow, her - blah, me - breathe, blah breathe, blah breathe.

So I go back in sit down at my desk, stretch out my legs and I feel something. that's right, yesterday he came in and wanted to play I Spy on my new laptop, he sat at my desk pushed off his shoes and later put on a pair from my house and I hadn't noticed the switch (that makes me an unfit parent). BIC over a pair of shoes?

I call her, I found them. She'll be right back. I'm waiting, jeez, she doesn't even live that far away. Finally, she comes, and there's my son eating a McDonald's Burger while she's driving (remember my healthy food post). I don't even do that, I make him one fresh.

Oh, but she's his mother of course she knows what's best. Right?

Yeah best for her, BIC? Be Damned!

Status: First Draft - Last updated 05/04/07 03:50 am


Anonymous said...


Lara Croft said...

A good mom does not take the easy way out and buy crapola food for meals, as a treat sure aslong as the good stuff is eaten first. I think your ex is a nasty peice of bitter, dried up and resentful hamburger that has been on the counter far too long. Lordy lordy lordy how did she entrap you JQ?

JQ75 said...

Well Lara I was on the phone with my brother when you commented, all comments are sent to me via email and my email program checks the server regularly, so I get a popup that says new mail for jq75 and I click it.

I read it to my brother and we both got a good laugh about your unique description of her. It has such a vivid multiple senses description. I can almost see the odd color, smell the putrid oder ... LOL*2

There are so many things you can have fresh at home, rather than getting something that's been sitting on a heating plate.

Of course I have another practical matter, with such limited time, I don't want to spend it standing in line at a fast food restaurant. I'd rather pop in and out of the kitchen and still interact with my son.

The ironic thing is her lawyer falsely accused me in court of not providing healthy food and had a case worker check me out. I have all kinds of healthy snacks and a variety of food for him. My 2nd lawyer's defense, "Well I feed my children hot dogs", Well I don't. With that kind of defense, it's no wonder I get screwed, but the judge keeps accepting unfounded accusations BIC. And they check them out and they're found to be groundless and still the dimwitted court can't see the pattern.

As for entrapment, well you know guys are so weak around women, why do you think they say "Love is Blind"

Well now I see the light and it is blinding me.