Sunday, May 06, 2007

So which is it?

I have warned my lawyer not to be parsing his language with me. It's an occupational hazard, they are so good with twisting words around to imply one thing while subtlety leaving a small loophole to mean something else.

Or let me be blunt, they lie so often, to so many people that they forget to tell the truth to the client.

So I complained about the lost ground at the last lawyer's conference (they didn't want to call it a Trial Date). Oh that wasn't lost ground, those issues hadn't been vetted in front of the judge before. Well first I don't give a damn whether the judge heard them before or not, I thought there was an agreed upon proposal. What else hasn't the judge heard? "Well I don't know" he says indignantly, how am I supposed to know what she's going to disagree with next.

What? WTF? So you mean she hasn't agreed to any of this and is just carving away at it with a paring knife? All this time you give me some happy horse shit about being close and she hasn't committed to a damn thing. She's still cutting, cutting away. Oh she did agree to a couple of things that have been under contention for a year and I and other entities have provided a case of discovery material.

Great, we're talking about a twenty page legal document, with another six page division of property supported by a poorly done six page spreadsheet. Unless you use mine which I've submitted to you countless times and you've ignored because of your pride in knowing every damn thing. And she has committed to several issues. That leaves quite a few open for debate.

So we're not close to anything then, except more bull shit? Right? I'm getting dizzy, it feels like a merry-go-round out of control. Get me off before I vomit.

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