Sunday, May 13, 2007

Feeding me to the Shark

So what does the lawyer propose? He'll request a hearing with the judge. He'll probably set it up like he did everything (except error-free math) for his client and I have unreasonable expectations, blah, blah, blah, he's not listening to me, why don't you threaten him for a while?

Then he'll want to go in there, so he can defend himself with phony excuses, and have utter silence when it comes to defending me. God how paranoid, right? Where did I dream up this one? Well the last time I went to a shark feeding, of course. See the judge (shark) doesn't eat lawyers, they are full of shit. (jqism) But when a tasty non-lawyer comes in it's his chance to stroke his ego while other lawyers cower in fear and keep silent. I've done it before with lawyer #2. I know the drill, and that part is good. but no matter how many good parts there are, feeding sharks is dangerous.

And that is tomorrow's task. So Monday could turn out good or bad, but the stress is guaranteed.

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