Monday, May 14, 2007

Game Day # 8 Part 2; T-5 hours

It's hard for me to keep count, I think this is supposed to be the rescheduled 8th Trial Date or maybe 9th, but there's been a lot of crap that has gone on just to make the count look less ridiculous than it is.

This stuff makes me so numb. My energy is so drained, my body so bruised, my mind so fatigued and distraught, beating against an unmovable object. You'd think when someone found out their secret games, they'd let them through the back door just to keep them quiet. But who am I kidding, I'd tell the whole world after they let me past their wall of dirty tricks. So either they know that or more likely they are so cock sure of themselves that they believe they are impenetrable, that no one can undermine their house of cards that generates big bucks from stealing with a smile.

They are no better than the common thief, in fact they are so much worse. A thief knows he is doing wrong. The divorce industry (and make no mistake, it is an industry) steals every bit as badly, but with the perverted, sadistic twist of doing it in the name of the law.

Today the stakes are higher. Another law suit has been filed. My lawyer will be taking actions against me (oh yeah, they can do that, the last one did, I've been through this before).

I got some sleep Sunday, I started back into the grind in the middle of the night, think I'll be going straight through. If I lay down, I'll probably be out for hours and miss the trial.

I'll have to improvise. We'll see. Once again I am threatened with contempt of court, fines, and jail. So my next post time is uncertain.

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