Thursday, May 03, 2007

Now here's a game...

Well just how far can a game go, just how tolerant is our corrupt system to gamesmanship. Why do we feel the way we do about lawyers?

Well my blogger buddy Solarisgal sent me a dusie, not sure anyone could top this one:
Judge: Cleaner owes me $65 million for pants
2 years of litigation x 1 pair of trousers = headaches for family business

Let's recap here:
  • This isn't some crazy citizen (well maybe he is) trying to milk the system, this is a JUDGE!
  • His pants were found one week later, get over it already, 2 years!
  • This guy has even alienated his own, who are calling for him to loose his judge position and be disbarred. But that hasn't happened yet.
  • This is actually scheduled for trial.
  • How much money did these honest working people loose to defend this corrupt nut case who is judging others?
What goes through the twisted judicial mind to think that he is entitled to anything more than "I'm sorry we were late" that any other regular person would get?

How could this person possibly think this fits any definition of fairness on the entire planet? And how bad has our system gotten that this wasn't immediately dismissed as frivolous abuse.

I do so hope that they are successful in disbarring him, not out of revenge, but because such actions show he doesn't have the slightest understanding of "fairness" and is unable to judge his own actions let alone anyone else's.

He truly thinks he is God, and he needs a rude awakening, akin to what the average litigant experiences when they go into this twisted system.

Status: Last updated 05/04/07 03:30 am

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this about the judge, unbelievable!